“SoulWork listens to the prompts of the soul, allows each phase to unfold naturally in accordance with the body and soul’s guidance, and opens the door to the next leg on your soul’s journey”
You are not alone. Your Soul is ALWAYS showing you, unveiling for you, OPENING YOU TO whatever is in the Very Best Interest of YOU, your life, and your evolution. You can rely on it always.
I asked myself, what is the best way to describe this body of work that has been coming to me over the past 4 years and that I have been LIVING the past 3 decades?
Well, it’s to USE the Body of Work itself, by ASKING my own Soul and the “Soul” of SoulWork For Women and then ALLOWING the Wisdom Within to speak, through my writing.
And so I did:
When I asked my own Soul to describe what SoulWork was, in a way that resonated with the souls I am called to serve, this is what I heard:
“SoulWork is a body of work that helps women explore the depths of their being with love and gentleness – in order to uncover the Truth of Who They Are and discover the Gifts they are here to share.”
It is as simple and profound as that.
Soul went on to say:
“There is no direct path to awakening to the Love that lives within.
There isn’t really a path at all.
SoulWork takes the “path” out of the question and replaces it with an Opening.
An Opening to a territory of emptiness that can only be entered through a willingness to put all agendas aside and explore What Is Already There.”
I love that.
This is what SoulWork does – it explores what is already there as the “Unpath” to True Peace.
“Peace can only exist
when there is nowhere to go.”
I love that, too. And it makes sense,
So, in SoulWork, we begin at the end – with nowhere to go – except INWARD to explore, experience, and fully LIVE what is already there.
Because ‘what is already there’ is THE ANCIENT AND ORIGINAL YOU - - covered over by lifetimes of everything unlike you - - until you can’t even recognize you anymore.
The work of SoulWork is about uncovering or dismantling those protective layers to reveal WHAT IS ALREADY THERE, TRUE, AND COMPLETE: YOU.
We start with an understanding that Everything going on in your life is POINTING TO a layer that is ready to be removed.
How do we know it is ready? It is ready because you have evolved to the place that it is ready. Trust that. Your soul brings it forward and points to it through the happenings of your life.
Once you have an understanding & trust that Life is happening for you and showing you what you are ready to work on: We dive in.
Sometimes we dive slowly.
Sometimes rapidly.
It all depends on the day and how willing you are to discover MORE of you.
We begin by helping you find the deeper connection with the Soul of you.
Sometimes this connection is severed in childhood. We have been conditioned to look for answers OUTSIDE OURSELVES. We have learned to put our focus and attention on OUTER things. And these outer things have defined us. They have given us our identity.
To begin the process of DEEPENING WITHIN, we need to work hard to get you to switch your “default attention” from “outside you” to “inside you”.
This move to “inside” can bring up possible embodiment challenges.
Most people have also been taught to live from the neck up. With the brain as the master.
Deep, Embodied SoulWork
requires dropping out of the mind
and into the body.
We work to inhabit the whole of your body with presence and nurturing attention and re-write the beliefs and patterns that caused you to be dis-embodied in the first place. (I know, that sounds painful.)
The essence of this “first phase” of SoulWork is to establish a loving, kind, accepting, and embodied connection with the inner realm of Soul. It focused on Self-Nurturance, Self-Care, and Soul-Connection. We refer to this “Season” of SoulWork as: SUMMER.
Deepening the SOUL CONNECTION (Phase I) is a prerequisite to understanding and working the next phase of SoulWork: Clearing away the layers of conditioned protection so you can align with the Truth Of You.
Like leaves falling off a tree, in this Season of SoulWork we release those conditioned patterns that are hiding us from US. We are clearing, releasing, and dismantling…just like AUTUMN.
We are clearing the layers of anything and everything that is unlike love, to align with the Light of Source Within, and experience the body-felt-experience of Peace.
This is a lifetime(s) process…and will continue indefinitely, until you are at one with Love. And perhaps beyond.
In SoulWork, I give you the tools to unlock these layers…tools that I have used over the years and now apply with clients.
Some examples of the clearing and aligning techniques I use during Sessions include:
- energy & embodiment work
- emotional & polarity processing
- virtual gestalts
- inner (frozen) child work
- guided visualization
- and what I affectionately refer to as “Rama’s Technique*” or “All is Welcome Here”
*Experienced during a transmission in Ecuador at my Spiritual Teacher, Lucia Rene’s, 2017 Vortex of Change Retreat.
WHICH technique we use during a session depends on your soul – I listen deeply for what feels like “what is being called for.” Your soul knows what technique will best serve your evolution. It is my job to LISTEN for that and facilitate accordingly.
It is a magical feeling, for me, to co-create like this during a session - with you and your soul. We are a team, working for your highest and best, together.
While there is no “end” to the second phase of SoulWork (you will visit it again and again, like a spiral circling deeper and deeper, yet passing by the same issue over and over again), there is a natural and fluid “next step” which is:
Now that you have tasted “the peace that resides within” during a session and, perhaps, in pockets of your own life, you begin to “crave” it and naturally want to “commune” with it.
Whether during meditation or at a stop sign in the middle of your day, you catch yourself in the void – in the spaciousness between thoughts. In the peaceful stillness.
It is Here…where you can begin to have a dialogue. Some call it intuition, or a gut feeling. Some call it channeling.
In SoulWork, we refer to it as Soul Wisdom - - wisdom that comes from a direct connection to your Soul - - and the inherent wisdom that it is.
“SoulWork takes an INTENTIONAL approach to communing with Soul in this way.”
We initiate a practice of sitting to commune.
It differs from meditation in that we go into the Stillness with the intention to connect and communicate - - with Soul.
That means, with practice, you can have a direct connection, and conversation, with the Guidance Within.
You have a Source of Wisdom available 24/7 to make decisions, understand life’s challenges, ask for guidance, or channel the written word – like this. (Soul gave me these words and I confiscated them for this blog. Lol.)
This Season of SoulWork is about going deep into the Void - the Stillness & Solitude of WINTER. it opens you up to direct communication with your Soul, your angels, guides, Higher Self, Source…whoever you call in to ask for guidance. What a gift!
Once you have established a good, clear, clean, and open line of connection & communication with a source of WISDOM WITHIN and can “hear’ guidance, you are more than likely – and with equal measure – being called to begin service-oriented, or expression-based work in the world.
(Each Phase/Season may be showing up simultaneously, but because words are limited, I’m describing it as if it were a linear process.)
This “calling” may show up as a desire to share your gifts with a larger community.
Or perhaps as an inkling to write a book, start a business, or open a store.
Whatever your Calling may be – it serves a higher purpose – to wake you up more fully to the Truth of Who You Are (while serving the greater good of planet).
As my spiritual teacher, Lucia Rene’, says, “At some point it flips.” You go from awakening through working on yourself to awakening through serving others.
At this stage of SoulWork, you have a good body-felt understanding of the prerequisites to be in selfless service:
· Deepening the connection with Soul
· Aligning more and more with Source
· Communing with Soul Wisdom Within
In the SoulWork Season of SPRING, you begin to Serve and Express from the Essence of you while simultaneously keeping a watchful eye on “ego co-opting,” return of arrogance (and spiritual superiority). You keep clearing the remaining blockages of fear and resistance so that you can be a clear and clean vessel for Source Energy (Love) to come through you. And, you practice “putting the ego/mind to the side” so that your service is from the Soul of you.
Because, after all, if SoulWork were to have a “goal” or result, it would be exactly that:
Living the ecstatic body-felt experience of being a vessel for Divine Energy to express Itself in & through you. As you.
- Wisdom Within, 3/6/19