Welcome, dear friend!
You are at the right place if you are on a spiritual path longing for:
a deeper connection with your own body and soul
new tools to help navigate tough times and emotional triggers
clarity around your gifts and the work you are called to do in the world
courage to take action and bring your inspired ideas into reality
Here you will find a resting place in the busyness of life - a place where you can come to stop, breathe, soften, and begin to feel the fullness of who you are as you come Home, inside yourself, to Yourself.
I love nothing more than helping women navigate the terrain of their own soul, so they can awaken to the Truth of Who They Are (as Love) and do the Work they came here to do.
Welcome Home. There is so much waiting here for you.
Much Love,
“SoulWork For Women helps women on a spiritual path explore the depths of their being with love & gentleness - in order to find the Truth of Who They Are and discover the Gifts they are here to share.”
Many women I work with have successful lives - doing jobs, raising families… yet something is missing. They long to step away from the treadmill of life and find a deeper connection within themselves. They long for the permission to simply BE.
Others have had their lives turned upside down. There is struggle and suffering. Chaos & drama. It is as if the universe is telling them - it’s time to make some changes.
Then there are also women who are longing to do more meaningful work in the world - to use their gifts and make a difference. Some are unclear what gifts they have. Others don’t have the confidence to bring them forward. The end result: berating themselves for not taking action on their dreams.
All of these situations have one thing in common. Soul is pointing to work that needs to be done: examination and excavation of the layers that are protecting the personal self and preventing the soul - your real self - from shining through.
“To do your Soul’s Work, begin with SoulWork.”
In SoulWork, we begin with an understanding that Everything going on (or not going on) in your life is POINTING TO a layer that is ready to be revealed & dissolved.
How do we know that it is ready?
We know it is ready because it is showing up!
You have evolved to the point in your life where you are ready, and life communicates this to you through your life. Trust that your soul brings forward whatever is ready to be cleared and points to it through the happenings of your life.
Once you have this understanding & begin to TRUST that Life is happening for you and showing you what you are ready to work on: We dive in.
Sometimes slowly.
Sometimes rapidly.
It all depends on the day and how willing you are to discover MORE of you.
(To read more about SOULWORK and how the Body of Work came to me, please visit the BLOG entitled: “What is Soulwork? - Part 1)
“Within each of us,
There is a silence,
A silence as vast as the universe.
And when we experience that silence,
We remember who we are.”
Whether we work 1:1 or in a group, in SoulWork we pay attention to where your soul is within the context of four distinct PHASES. Why? To align with what SoulWork the Soul is calling for:
I. Soul Connection - Learning to pay attention to what is going on INSIDE the body and forming a kind, compassionate, and caring relationship with yourself.
II. Align with Truth - via Emotional Processing* - Releasing old stored emotions, triggers, and patterns.
III. Wisdom Within - Accessing the deep, embodied reservoir of Wisdom that is your Soul.
IV. Service to Others - Stepping out into the realms of selfless service, sacred action that rises from deep Within.
*Emotional Processing: Most of my clients are doing work in this Phase right now, learning to use techniques that have been effective for me over the years and have brought much balance, equanimity, and peace to my life.
Some examples of emotional processing techniques I use during SoulWork Sessions include:
- energy & embodiment work
- emotional & polarity processing
- virtual gestalts
- inner (frozen) child work
- guided visualization
- and what I affectionately refer to as “Rama’s Technique” or “All is Welcome Here” (Experienced during a transmission in Ecuador at my Spiritual Teacher, Lucia Rene’s, 2017 Vortex of Change Retreat.)
WHICH technique we use during a session depends on your soul – I listen deeply for what feels like “what is being called for.” Your soul knows what technique will best serve your evolution. It is my job to LISTEN for that and facilitate accordingly.
“ SoulWork listens to the prompts of the soul, allows each phase to unfold naturally in accordance with the body and soul’s guidance, and opens the door to the next leg on your soul’s journey.”
No matter which Phase you are in, we find it helpful to use three fundamental PRACTICES to support the deepest SoulWork. During sessions, I help facilitate these practices with and for you. These practices take years to master. We work with wherever you are - whether new or experienced - and build from there.
The Practices
Be Present -The Practice of coming into the Present Moment with full attention, awareness & focus.
Be Embodied - The Practice of getting into your Body! …and being able to navigate awareness within and throughout the body & sustain Embodied Presence.
Be Receptive - The Practice of reversing the everyday habit of exerting energy into the outer world, in order to open the door to access the inflow of potential wisdom, energy, and Grace into and through Inner World.
(To read more about SOULWORK, the Phases and Practices, please visit the BLOG entitled: What is SoulWork?: Part 2)

About Soulwork Sessions
“I loved you before, I am in awe of you now. I do feel the energy has moved. I feel lighter and more connected with my body. Thank you, Meg, my soul’s life preserver.”
What Happens:
In our first session, you tell me about your situation, where or how you feel stuck, and where you sense you’d like some help.
I listen below the level of the mind & story and share what I sense (from a Soul Perspective) is the CORE ISSUE or the opportunity that Soul is presenting to us to work on at this time in your life.
We let that settle.
You share if and how this perspective resonates.
We talk some more to allow more Truth to rise and get a glimpse of the Work that your Soul is calling you to address at this time in your life. Depending on your level of readiness, we dive in as deep as we can and work to clear the issue using the SoulWork tools and techniques.
In this first Session you get to experience what SoulWork feels like, and you get to sense into whether or not you would like to deepen the Work. We can talk about what that would look like on our call.
The Specifics:
We connect via a teleconference line. Calls are 60 to 75 minutes in length. I record the call and send you the recording via email. Clients tell me that this recording is a great resource and is very helpful to integrate what comes forward during the session.
Regular sessions are $90 each. I have packages available which we can discuss after our first call!
Take Action
If you sense this is right for you, then head over to the “Schedule a Session” page and let’s be in touch.
There is nothing I would love more than to support you in navigating through this doorway that is opening in your Soul.
Much Love,
“I just listened to the recording of our session, and again, can not thank you enough for holding my hand and guiding me off the ledge once again.
I am so eternally grateful to Source for leading me to you, as a beacon of that deep, inner voice I’m slowly learning to hear.
The past two days, I feel more expansive than I could have ever imagined, and am taking inventory of how the unworthiness manifests continually, in all areas of my life.
Thank you, thank you, thank you… from the very depths of my inner excavating soul. xo”